Friday, March 26, 2010

MOPS Decade Themed MOMS Night Out

We sure had a blast at the decade themed party last night. It was so neat that no one dressed alike. We had 1900's (Sara), 50's(Janet), 60's(Leslie, Kim and Hana (correction)), 70's(Julia), 80's(Morgan and Katherine) and 90's(Joanna) decades represented. We even played music from most of those decades. 1900's music was hard to find. We had great food and great coversation. Thanks Morgan for hosting.


  1. I was 60's MOD...get it right girl! He he!

  2. Great pictures girls! I am glad that everyone had a great night.

  3. Sorry Hana, I wasn't sure.. I made the correction.. I knew it was MOD, but thought that was 70's.

  4. :0) Lots-o-fun gals. Just glad my hair was very, very tall!!
